What brilliantly clever and studious, yet fashionable, children these two seem! I wonder who their their mother is..... she must have it ALL together!!!
I wonder why they were almost late on the first day then?!?!?
I wonder why they were almost late on the first day then?!?!?

Quinn wanted to be apart of the experience, of course. He has his own back pack.
If you look really carefully, you can see that; "Mom you're embarrassing me", eye roll happening here in Joey's new "upperclassmen" classroom. As, always though...... a really good sport!
Audrey, on the other hand still likes all the attention! Amazingly enough, her teacher, Miss Gough, recognized Joe as soon as we stepped in the door. They went to 7th grade together. What a small world. (Or I guess just a small Lynnwood, Wa.)