Several people have been asking me to post pictures of our family's endeavors in the world of scouting. Ok, so here they are........ The proof that I really am the Cub Master! And yes, I wear a khaki uniform with a "neckerchief"! And yes, I talk Joe into humiliating himself for the sake of the cub scouts at least once every three months. Yes, I even drag my father into these goofy pack meetings on occasion. ( Although he is always so willing!)
Scouting............. If you had told me even 5 years ago that someday I would be at the center of Pinewood Derbys, Roundtables and Flag Ceremonies, I would have laughed out loud. Even now, two and half years into it, we have our weak moments and our proud. Sometimes I still have to laugh just to keep from crying, but I am thankful for this unlikely call non the less. I have learned a ton, and I get to spend time with Joey in a way I would never have thought that we would share.

This is "Safari Jack" our special guest in October. He sounded a bit Australian but it was hard to pin point his accent.